May 17, 2013

Subhanallah...She's Nadaa Amani

She was born at almost afternoon....but she still Embun to us...

Nadaa Amani

Yes, she is my surprise present 
when i was not expected her to come
yes, she's my surprise present
that come with wonderful journey
that i have to wait for another 10mths
yes, she's my surprise present 
that make me lock in time...when our eyes met

Pls meet my new tiny angel
Nadaa Amani means Embun Ketenanganku. 
Born on 13 May 2013 @ 11.35am 
with 3.15kg weight



Love , hugs and kisses to the God sent.

Unknown said...

tahniah ainn... wahhh so comell..another girl in d house ye.. hehe xpe.. lepas ni "fight" for boys pulak la.. hahaha.. selamat berpantang ye n semoga mommy n baby sihat2 sentiasa..

Ainnlee said...

thanx Pani.

Ainnlee said...

thanks Mar...nak berjuang sekali lagi tu yg tgh pk sejuta kali ni..

Unknown said...

saya ni kalau boleh nak 10 anak.. hahha.. sebab anak2 penyejuk mata.. penenang hati.. tp 4 cukuplah kot...nanti baby dah besar mesti tingin lg nk peluk cium baby..

Jiha said...

weittt tahniah beb..dh bersalin ghupo eh..sedapp nama baby.. tang pipi gerammm nk geget..

Ainnlee said...

Mar, sy pun teringin nk ank ramai. Seronok ble dorang dh besar nnt pastu blk ramai2 time raya. Nak meng'ada'kan yg 3 ni pun dah sgl mcm hal..klau 10 mak aii

Ainnlee said...

Thanx jiha... aku dah 3 ni . Ko ble lg.... jgn lupe pass aura bb boy kat aku k.